The art of staging your home for sale is based on the idea that clean and organized homes are more attractive to buyers. Some sellers hire professional stagers who bring in new furniture in expertly placed positions. But in all the possible preparation for sale, the garage is sometimes still overlooked. Staging your garage is just as important as the interior of your home. You can optimize the appeal of your home by remembering to stage your garage, too.
Keep It Clear
The first step to staging your garage for sale is clearing out the clutter. Buyers want to see the amount of space available in your garage. Plus, having a lot of personal items scattered around makes your home look unavailable. A great idea would be to invest in some wall units to take advantage of your available horizontal storage space. In addition to clearing it out, you could also take this time to give it a good deep cleaning.
Remove Your Cars
During open houses and other showings, remove your vehicles to maintain an open and spacious appearance. Of course, when your home isn’t being shown, it’s perfectly fine to continue parking in your garage. Also, keep your garage doors closed when your home isn’t being shown to create a poised appearance.
Create Sections
Use different sections in your garage to show off its space and possibilities. A great example is to designate an area for hobby work or even exercise equipment. You can achieve this by installing different types of flooring for each area or a workbench. It helps potential buyers visualize how they can make the most of the garage space for their own lifestyles.
Install Sufficient Lighting
Make sure that your garage has sufficient lighting. Not just for visibility, but the right amount of light is also essential for security. Consider motion-activated lighting to save energy and high wattage bulbs for brightness. During open houses and other showings, make sure that the garage lights are on so that buyers can really see the space.
Add a Coat of Paint
Refresh the appearance of your garage with a fresh coat of paint. Clean and paint the walls (and even the floor) for enhanced brightness and appeal. Also, consider doing some repairs to the garage door, too. If there are dents or scratches, repair those and give the door some new paint or refresh the stain.