Whether you’re making renovations to your existing home or considering plans for new construction, it’s important to understand the differences between detached and attached garage structures. There are many factors to weigh, including your new garage door budget, lot size, safety concerns and the contents you intend to store. Once you compare the benefits of each style of garage, you’ll find the right fit for your home.
Detached vs. Attached Garages
Just as the name suggests, an attached garage is one that is connected to your home, sharing one wall and featuring direct access into the house. A detached garage is one that is free standing and completely separate from your home, whether a few feet or several yards away.
The Benefits of a Free-Standing Garage
You might prefer a detached garage if your lot size is long and narrow, as this structure can be built behind the home to take advantage of the space. These garages are also considered safer, as carbon monoxide fumes won’t be seeping into your home through the garage entry door. Plus, if you have overnight guests, building a detached garage with living quarters upstairs is cheaper and easier than attempting one attached to the home.
Attached Garage Advantages
Cost is a factor with home renovations, so an attached garage may be a better option for your budget. These typically cost less since one wall already exists, and you’re constructing an addition to the home rather than starting from scratch. In addition, you’ll likely prefer an attached structure that shelters you from winter and foul weather as you get to your car. If you have a smaller home, these structures are handy for storing household items that you want easily accessible. They also offer a perfect spot for a freezer or second refrigerator.
If you’re considering making changes or building a new garage, take the time to research the differences between detached and attached garages. You need to understand the advantages of each type of structure. Depending on your circumstances and physical situation, you’ll find the one that’s right for you.